Here are the only notes we took that week:
5 Dysfunctions of a Team:
- absense of trust
- fear of conflict
- lack of commitment
- avoidance of accountability
- inattention to results
> Team members who trust one another learn to be comfortable being open, even exposed to one another about their failures, weaknesses, even fears. >> Predicted on the simple and practical idea that people who aren't afraid to admit the truth about themselves (vulnerable) can be trusted.
Mostly, week 3 consisted of late night taco runs with Tim, team building excerises in the mornings, and lots of beach football!
Tim is the founder and CEO of an organization called Orphan Relief and Rescue. His main offices are in Liberia, but he has been slowly working his way around Africa. At the time I knew I felt a calling to do a ministry similar to his, but Tim challenged me to really sit down with God and just ask him what my next step in His plan for me is. He encouraged me to maybe join him and a team into Benin for a few months this next year, and to get a feel for the ministry. Definitely some kind of calling there...